We will start the canoeing season in Latvia, as usual, with the 2024 competition on April 13th and 14th in Iecava. The “Brīvie Ūdeņi” Canoe Club will once again host canoe slalom competitions designed to be fun. Building on the successful experience of last year’s competition and the enthusiasm of the participants, this year we will compete over two days. Thanks to the support of the city of Iecava and several well-known companies in Latvia, such as Balticovo and Cēsu alus, this year’s event will feature the “Brīvo Ūdeņu” Cup and the Iecava Championship. A new addition will be the “Brīvo ūdeņu” traveling cup, which will be contested among canoe club teams, a “progressive” team race, and also the Small Brave Heart Cup, where the youngest club athletes will compete – this will be cool!
As in previous years, the competition will take place on the Iecava River, where a slalom course has already been established, offering challenges and adrenaline-filled moments for all participants. It will not only be a sporting event but also an opportunity for participants and spectators to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and experience thrilling moments of competition.
Whispering to those who haven’t been yet – let’s go and train… Your competitors are already taking advantage of this opportunity.
In the upcoming competition, not only Latvian paddlers will participate, but also athletes from Lithuania and Estonia, making this event an international occasion. It offers a great opportunity to compare skills with participants from other countries right at the beginning of the season.
The important elements in these competitions are the sense of community, good spirits, and competitiveness. We know that this fosters the spirit of sportsmanship and friendship among participants and clubs. The competition will be a great opportunity not only to compete but also to exchange experiences and meet new friends from different countries. To enhance the experience, it should be noted that the number of our supporters has grown, and accordingly, so has the prize fund. The prize fund for the season’s overall standings of the Latvian Canoe Association has been generously arranged this year. It’s time to get started now so that there’s no need to fret over the season’s standings later on!
We can whisper again that this year’s season prizes have been provided in collaboration with our main supporter for this year – PeakUK, a manufacturer of kayaking equipment from England. The total prize fund for LKA clubs this year will exceed 3000 EUR in the equivalent value of goods. …and what prizes – uhhhh….!?
Events like these provide an opportunity to build and develop the kayaking movement in Latvia and its neighboring countries, and therefore we eagerly await this weekend with impatience and enthusiasm. The “Brīvie Ūdeņi” club invites all interested parties to participate and support these competitions, to collectively make this event another successful and exciting paddling festival in Iecava!
Let’s meet! Opening of the competition on April 13, 2024, at 10:30 AM.
Place of competitions:
Registration via the Latvian Canoe Association application platform:
Competition regulations:
Meet us! Remember to register on time, the first starts are on April 13, 2024, at 11:00 AM.